
Top 3 Digital-Trends from CannesLions 2022

July 3, 2022

Franziska von Lewinski, CEO SYZYGY GROUP

Judging at CannesLions, the most important international Creativtiy-Festival, was such an incredibly inspiring experience. Looking at all the cases, discussing and rating them in the “Digital Craft”-Category has been an enriching experience and also educated me greatly. I loved every single minute of it.

The fact that the cases confirmed my personal vision and passion moved my deeply. Digital technologies can be an enabler in so many different ways and can also be life changing. Creativity combined with technology is a recipe to change people’s lives forever. All submitted cases have dealt with social relevance. It is not just about entertainment anymore.

This empowering experience encourages me to continue my personal journey representing my mission that digital can make a huge difference and should be a priority for all brands and enterprises!

Digital is so much more than technology. Digital is life changing. Digital is emotional. Digital is the great chance for brands to make a huge difference. For their customers and for society. They just need to take that chance.

For me there are three outstanding themes, proofing this perfectly:

Jury of CannesLions 2022 for “Digital Craft”

1. Emergency Response-Tech

In a crisis digital technologies are essential, to react quickly in order to get help and reassurance to the people in crisis. They also create awareness and provide actual solutions. This is a huge opportunity for brands and companies to take responsibility and offer specific help in crisis.

BackUp Ukraine

With ‘Backup Ukraine’ everyone can become an archivist. Everybody can scan buildings and monuments as full 3D models. All they need is a mobile phone with a camera. The documents can then be stored in an open, secure online archive — out of reach for bombs. For the first time in history citizens have the opportunity to document and archive cultural monuments and favorite places to secure their legend in case they are destroyed by the Russian invasion. Technology makes it possible. The hurdles to document are low, the speed is fast and everyone can help to save the country’s history.

Creativity combined with technology is a recipe to change people’s lives forever. All submitted cases have dealt with social relevance.

Franziska von Lewinski

2. Inclusive-Tech

Digital technology opens access to many experiences to people who are still excluded in many ways through personal disabilities. Digital technology is able to improve and permanently change many experiences for them. Digital technologies pushes and ensures inclusion.


Deaf people can not experience the gaming world like most of us. The sounds, conversations and many words don’t get through to them. E-Nterpreter has managed to integrate sign language into computer games in real time by using digital technologies. Now the deaf are fully integrated and can enjoy the full gaming experience which is a given to most of us.

3. Meta-Tech

Everybody is talking about web3. A lot of trial & error shapes the new world at the moment – also called Metaverse. Same as with NFTs. The cases show that we are still in an experimental stage. Technological limits are tested and users can immerse themselves in completely new worlds. From my perspective the brands creating a brand-related, cross-platform experience or already combine the analogue and the virtual world are the ones using the amazing opportunities web3 has to offer, creating new approaches to success.


McEnroe plays McEneroe

John McEnroe playing tennis against a younger version of himself.

Combining 5 technologies has made it possible for McEnroe to play against his younger self. Can you imagine that experience? All possible because of combining the analogue with the virtual world. Hundreds of hours studying footage material, analyzing it through machine learning, combining it with AI has been the background to design the young John McEnroe and his former way to play. What an extraordinary experience that game must have been for him.

My personal Take Away​

The best cases in the Digital Craft category confirmed my personal vision & passion: Digital technology can be an enabler in so many different ways & can be life changing. ​Creativity & technology has the power to change people’s life forever.​ That is a great opportunity for brands and enterprises and should be No. 1 priority. ​

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