People search the web, stream music or films – and receive online advertising along the way. Users give little or no thought to how much CO2 they produce in the process. An average online advertising campaign is said to produce around 5.4 tonnes of carbon dioxide. This corresponds to around 5,400,000 million views or ad impressions.
Mr Ladner, how do these topics fit together?
As a leading consulting and implementation partner for digital experience, we naturally know that our work for customers emits CO2. That’s why we are working intensively on how we can reduce emissions through our services right from the start.

What do you do specifically?
In addition to our efforts to reduce emissions in our own company, we are also developing sustainable solutions for our customers. To this end, we have analysed our portfolio in detail to determine how we can offer climate-friendly products and services both internally and for our customers.
How can digitalisation or digital customer journeys become more sustainable?
The potential for reduction through digitalisation through to the digital customer journey is huge for both companies and advertising campaigns. Marketing experts emphasise that more sustainable campaigns can be achieved through smarter advertising. However, sustainability starts with the corporate strategy and requires sustainable thinking at an early stage.
There are many important areas that need to be considered. These include, for example, the CO2 savings potential in video production or the sustainable design of a website. The IT infrastructure and hosting also play an important role and should be included in our considerations.
We see generative AI as a basic technology that plays a role in all areas of our work – now and in the future!

What about the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI)?
For us, artificial intelligence is a basic technology that has ushered in a new era for our industry. Of course, we use it to improve the productivity and quality of our digital experiences, i.e. to automate routines or process complex tasks automatically.
Is that sustainable?
Definitely, as it shortens processes and allows us to create high-quality, appealing content much more efficiently than was previously the case. AI-driven tools enable us to work in an increasingly resource-saving, efficient and creative way. This is just the beginning and will be even more sustainable in the future if we use GenKI responsibly.