
Animated video as a step

into a new world

Ars Thanea and Coinbase NFT used a 55-second video to generate excitement while simultaneously explaining how to get into crypto.

The long-awaited trading platform for non-fungible tokens (NFT) operated by US company Coinbase aims to be transparent, easy to use and accessible to all. It was developed in the decentralised Web 3.0 to enable secure exchange of digital assets.

The storyline for the video we created in conjunction with the Coinbase design team to launch the company’s crypto asset marketplace had to satisfy some very specific requirements. The brief was to promote the marketplace by generating excitement and interest around the launch, while at the same time presenting the intuitive Coinbase NFT user interface (UI). Not only that, the video was also conceived as an attractive, dynamic user manual that explains how to open and manage a portfolio, transporting users into a new world.


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Our solution involved creating sample NFT assets to demonstrate just how easy the platform is to use. We deployed various animation techniques that reference the constantly evolving world of digital NFT art. The video combines 2D, 3D and pixel art styles, with smooth transitions between scenes.

The very shortness of the explainer video is testimony to the power of the animated images, which take platform newcomers through the entire portfolio process: from creation through to uploading, auctioning, buying and selling NFT assets.

Development process of the launch video

Our services:

  • Creative direction
  • Creative production
  • 3D and 2D animation
  • Lighting and rendering

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